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Join date: Jun 2, 2022
Add markups to objects. Use special “marks” to represent important information, like standards, dimensions, tolerances, and drawing scales. (video: 1:45 min.)Preview your drawings with DraftSight. Now you can generate 2D and 3D views of your CAD drawings right in DraftSight. (video: 1:20 min.)Highlights of draftsightDraftSight 2D and 3D Preview, the all-new previewer for the Autodesk® DWG™ and DGN™ formats. Get a quick overview of the design with zoom and scale options, as well as an interactive drawing view. You can rotate, pan, and turn the view as you work with multiple views in a single preview window.Enhanced DraftSight 2D and 3D Preview, the all-new previewer for the Autodesk® DWG™ and DGN™ formats. Get a quick overview of the design with zoom and scale options, as well as an interactive drawing view. You can rotate, pan, and turn the view as you work with multiple views in a single preview window. Interactive Drawing View: The new interactive drawing view gives you instant access to drawing elements that matter most to you. You can select, rotate, and modify individual objects and view large blocks of the drawing at once.The new interactive drawing view gives you instant access to drawing elements that matter most to you. You can select, rotate, and modify individual objects and view large blocks of the drawing at once. Ability to modify the view in a 2D and 3D context: Drag your view around and see the view from multiple angles. You can pan, zoom, and pan the view around, and even reverse the view.Drag your view around and see the view from multiple angles. You can pan, zoom, and pan the view around, and even reverse the view. Create templates: Create standard templates for your drawing sets using the existing attributes. You can organize them in folders, or combine them into a single template library.Create standard templates for your drawing sets using the existing attributes. You can organize them in folders, or combine them into a single template library. Design Personalization: Set your preferences and view preferences, so you can quickly return to your design settings.Dynamically edit drawing elements:Replace objects with a different, dynamic content. Now you can add all kinds of features to 2be273e24d
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