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The Power of a Green Team: Reflections from New Deliverance Church

Cheri Wilson Chappelle

My name is Cheri Wilson Chappelle, and I am a Green Team leader at New Deliverance Church in Chicago. I am honored to share what Faith in Place means to my church.

Please join me in supporting Faith in Place so that their work, which has been transformative for my congregation and community, can continue in the New Year.

With encouragement from Faith in Place, we started a new Green Team this year to live out the calling of our faith to take care of the Earth.

We are just one example of the 97 Green Teams Faith in Place works with at different faith communities across the state. It is comforting to know that we are not alone in this work, and that there are others out there having similar experiences that I can call on for help.

Faith in Place is an awesome resource! Our wonderful and energetic Green Team Coach, Rev. Debbie Williams, connects with me at least twice a month – often as the Spirit moves – to explore how Faith in Place’s programs can advance our Green Team’s mission.

Members of New Deliverance Church and the greater Roseland Neighborhood participated in a Smart Energy workshop with Faith in Place. My husband, Norman, and I have personally saved money through the peak-time savings program that we learned about and signed up for.

Additionally, our church is in the process of reviewing the recommendations from the free energy audit that Faith in Place facilitated for us this summer, and there are tremendous potential savings.

Member gather native plant seeds for habitat restoration
Members gather native plant seeds for habitat restoration

Our church also participates in the Migration & Me Program. We hosted a story circle, talking about how our individual migration stories parallel with the migration journey of the Monarch Butterfly. We learned things about members of our congregation that we did not know which strengthened our relationships and love for each other.

We later attended Faith in Place’s Monarch Festival in East Garfield Park to learn even more about how to care for the land and protect migratory species like the Monarch Butterfly.

I really saw the impact of Faith in Place at the Annual Green Team Summit, at the Field Museum. It is clear that our Green Team’s efforts are being replicated in unique ways all across the state. This brings me great hope for our future.

Please join me in supporting Faith in Place so that their work, which has been transformative for my congregation and community, can continue in the New Year!

Your donation helps fund the programs that help our Green Team and houses of worship across the state make a positive difference for our communities and the planet.

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