This curriculum explores the intersection of food and faith, and how to nurture healthy bodies, healthy communities, and a healthy environment.
This curriculum works well in a variety of faith community settings. The lessons are designed to take place over four weeks, but there are options to adapt it to other time frames.

Migration and Me Toolkit
Human beings, monarch butterflies, migratory birds, and other migrating species all seek welcoming places to eat, rest, and live along the migration journey and at the destination.
By connecting migration stories and spending time learning about the natural world, the Migration and Me program inspires to care for the Earth and build community, making us more resilient to the impacts of climate change.

Multifaith Water Curriculum
Our Grandchildren’s Water is an multifaith curriculum that explores the central role water plays in the religions of the world, and the obligation people of faith have to conserve and protect this precious resource. The name of the curriculum comes from the fact that there is no new water on Earth – every drop has been used before by some living thing and must be used again. We can't destroy water but we can render it unfit for drinking and other uses. Ensuring that we don't is a debt we owe to our children and grandchildren.
Updated in 2018, this curriculum presents scientific information alongside questions of faith and ethics surrounding water issues, both globally and local to Illinois. In order to meet the wide-ranging needs of faith communities engaging in reflection on water, this curriculum is designed to be flexible and adaptable to your context. There are three versions of this curriculum that cover different amounts of content and can be completed in varied amounts of time.
7 Weeks – Deep Dive
4 Weeks – Wading Into the Water
1 Week – Getting Your Feet Wet
Interested in using the curriculum at your faith community? The “Wading Into the Water” 4-Week version is available for download here.
If you would like a copy of the 7-Week or 1-Week version, please contact Ramont Bell at
Faith in Place is excited to share a new Waste Toolkit. This toolkit was developed to help educate Green Team members and members of your House of Worship on how to be smarter about waste. It shares what some of the state's Green Teams have done successfully in their Houses of Worship.
It also guides a reflection on consumption habits and outlines some creative ways to foster a culture of conservation and environmental justice within your House of Worship.

Waste Toolkit